A blend of fine Irish whiskey: simple, honest, true. This is the spirit of the workers who built the great ship. A story of blood, sweat and years. And after another day’s hard graft their reward was waiting rich, full, amber-coloured and warm. A measure of pride.

Titanic Distillers
Premium Irish whiskey
They toiled in the shadow of the great ship, beneath a canopy of cranes, amid thickets of cables and chains and ropes. The very air was alive with sparks. Then there was the noise: the ceaseless clanging and hammering. The pounding as the steel was shaped and joined. The whirr and whine of gears. The shouting. The banter. The craic.
And at the end of another day there was this. A measure of reward. They looked forward to it. They savoured it. Now you can too.
Rich and complex. Combining an early hint of peat and the sweet sherry cask characteristics.
Smooth and well balanced. Notes of vanilla, peppery spice and rich vine fruits such as raisins, dates and sultanas.
While the sherry notes tapers off, the peat lingers. The boldness of the malt shows it’s strength of character.